Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday to Ted Nugent!

Uncle Ted celebrates his 61st birthday today!

Whether you agree with his politics or not, he's a pretty badass rocker.
Check out this crazy performance of "Cat Scratch Fever" at Cal Jam II (which apparently was THE place to be on March 18, 1978):

And for those of you who like his "tell it like it is" political views... this interview clip is pretty great. Warning: skip if you do not like the 2nd amendment.

"I don't like repeat offenders. I like dead offenders." -- Right on, Ted!


I hope everyone is having a great December so far! Sorry I haven't been around much lately, but I'm workin' on going around to all of yall's blogs and I promise to be back to normal later this week! I've got three finals down, one to go.
Almost there! :o)


drewzepmeister said...

California Jam 2 was a great concert! (I wasn't there, but I do have a bootleg of it)

I saw Ted Nugent at Summerfest in the mid '90's. He put out a great show that included shooting an arrow into a guitar from across stage! The audience, well, was rather rambunctious and rowdy. People were drunk. Several fights nearly broke out. Needless to say, the Nuge never returned to Summerfest.

Whizkid said...

I love the Nuge!!! What a great American!

bearockr said...

Ted Nugent has always been a great performer, and I totally loved the video you posted above too... The guy is full of life and energy, and its a joy to watch Ted live ! Happy Birthday to him as well... And its good that you are back to blogging too ! Hope your exams are going well ..

Dan said...

Love all that Ted stands for!

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