It is chchchillay here! And it's been lightly snowing for the past four hours.
Does the snow know it's in Texas? I think it's as confused as the poor geese were that I heard this morning. They only thought they had flown south for the winter!
Is it snowing where you're at?!
Other random notes:
1. I am really sick of Tiger Woods. He may be the world's "best" golfer, but he's a horrible husband. Hate to tell his wife, but she should've seen all this affair nonsense coming from a mile away. That's what you get when you let your heart win...
2. Why, Ronnie Wood, why? He's looking real bad these days, btw.
It's snowing right now here in Racine, WI. We got our first snow on Thanksgiving. Blech! I hate snow!
One of our clients is based in Dallas and on yesterday's conference call one of the PMPs there was telling me about snow in North Texas and how rare it was. I told him to trap it and keep all of it right there for about four months because I don't want to see it.
We are currently snow-free and warm.
This is Ottawa. it probably won't last.
Yeah, Tiger is certainly a scumbag. Who knew? Very disappointing.
Snowing in Houston -- earliest snow ever on record here. My puppy was totally enchanted with it.
Yea for Snow! :D
snowing here in the Baltimore, MD area. according to the weather gurus this is the sixth time in eight years that it has snowed on December 5th.
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